Tuesday, August 12, 2008

SPOON @ First Ave - 10/10/2007

SET LIST: 1. Utilitarian / 2. The Minor Tough / 3. The Fitted Shirt / 4. Anything You Want / 5. Small Stakes / 6. The Way We Get By / 7. Stay Don’t Go / 8. Vittorio E. / 9. The Beast and Dragon, Adored / 10. Two Sides of Monsieur Valentine / 11. Mathematical Mind / 12. I Summon You / 13. I Turn My Camera On / 14. Don’t Make Me a Target / 15. The Ghost of You Lingers / 16. You Got Yr. Cherry Bomb / 17. The Underdog / 18. Black Like Me

Encore: 19. Chips & Dip / 20. Me and the Bean / 20. Don’t You Evah / 21. Quincy Punk Episode

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